Friday, September 9, 2011

Remember me?

Look who’s back, back again. Benny’s back, tell a friend.

Yes that is correct folks I am back.

Like a bear returning from a long hibernation I am still a big groggy, disorientated and a little hungry. My absence from the blogspace has been unfortunate, inexcusable and for that I beg your eternal forgiveness.

I have been busy. That is not offered as an excuse or a plea, more an observation.

In the past 6 months I have:

1. Met an amazing woman who constantly challenges and supports me, someone who I can trust, who always has my best interests at heart and never fails to make me smile.
2. I have relocated (yes, again!) to the sunny city-who-aims-to-be Brisbane.
3. I have undertaken the research and writing of a Masters thesis.
4. Balanced three part-time jobs.
5. Welcomed a niece into the world and been informed that another niece/nephew is waiting in the wings.

It has been a hectic whirlwind period but also thoroughly enjoyable – there are not many people who can start their day with a walk along the water, a freshly brewed coffee, breakfast with a loved one and then undertake their day with no pressures, deadlines or people nagging – just a view to the city, a fridge full of food and a pile of paper.

Change is a strange beast. I was only saying to Stace last night that anyone would forgive us for being a little stressed out – we have both undertaken some pretty extreme life changes over the past 6 months. For many people extreme change is trying a new laundry liquid, having a coffee at 10.15am instead of 10am or cutting their hair into a bob.

I don’t do change in small measures my friends. Oh no, when I make changes, I MAKE CHANGES.

So I am just getting my feet back on the ground. The thesis has been like a round the world yacht race – the beginning I was sailing though the pacific islands, life was rosy, sunny, relaxed. Now I have reached Cape Horn and the swell is rising, tossing my yacht from side to side and I am clinging to the rail, white-knuckled, hoping for a clearance in the weather. But once I round the Horn I will be in smooth waters again.

This is not a mountain I am climbing; it is a hill.

I have only about 7 weeks of my thesis writing to go, before I dump it on my supervisors desk and jet off to the cold reaches of Europe. 7 weeks is not a lot of time and instead of fearing it like a man awaiting the green mile I am trying to stop, breathe and savour the experience – before long I will be suiting up, grabbing my coffee to go and joining the corporate throng once more. Change is inevitable and once again I will step into change’s breach and see where it takes me.

But for now I am reading and typing away, trying to make the most of this time and not thinking about what lies ahead. A former boss used to tell me to ‘take bite sized chunks’ and that is what I will do.

It is great to be back in the blogsphere. I shall not leave it so long to write next time.

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